move.centroids <- function (cb, Data, pch = "+", Dim=2) { ## Repeat this step until little change in cb pos shift <- 100 j <- 2 while (shift > .003) { n.cb <- dim(cb)[1] # min.index gives the number of the nearest codebook vector to the data points Dist <- Array2ArrayDist(cb, Data) min.dist <- apply(Dist, 2, min) if (n.cb == 1) { min.index <- apply(Dist, 2, order) } else { min.index <- apply(Dist, 2, order)[1,] } j <- j + 1 if (Dim==2) { Voronoi(cb, 1:n.cb, c(200,200), range(Data[,1]), range(Data[,2])) points(Data, col=Col[min.index], pch=pch) points(cb, col="red", pch=16, cex=1.5) } else if (Dim==3) { plot3d(Data, size=3, col=Col[min.index]) spheres3d(cb, col="red", size=9) } # Move the codebook vectors to the middle of the group mid.point <- matrix(0, n.cb, Dim) for (c in 1:n.cb) { mid.point[c,] <- apply(Data[(min.index==c),], 2, mean) } if (Dim==2) { points(mid.point, col="green", pch=17, cex=1.5) } else if (Dim==3) { spheres3d(mid.point, col="green",size=9) # s3d$points3d(mid.point, col="green", pch=17, cex=1.5) } shift <- max(mid.point - cb) # Could compare distortion cb <- mid.point } return(list(cb, min.index)) } compute.distortion <- function(cb, Data, { N <- dim(cb)[1] D <- rep(0, N) for (i in 1:N) { M <- sum( D[i] <- sum(apply((t(t(Data[,])-cb[i,]))^2, 1, sum))/M } D } get.pairs <- function (numb) { # All unique pairs n.comb.2 <- choose(numb,2) double <- matrix(0, n.comb.2, 2) ind <- 1 for (i in 1:numb) { j <- i+1 while (j <= numb) { # for can run 6:5 ... double[ind,] <- c(i,j) ind <- ind + 1 j <- j + 1 } } double } Davies.Bouldin <- function(A, SS, m) { # A - the centres of the clusters # SS - the within sum of squares # m - the sizes of the clusters N <- nrow(A) # number of clusters # intercluster distance S <- sqrt(SS/m) # Get the distances between centres M <- as.matrix(dist(A)) # Get the ratio of intercluster/centre.dist R <- matrix(0, N, N) for (i in 1:(N-1)) { for (j in (i+1):N) { R[i,j] <- (S[i] + S[j])/M[i,j] R[j,i] <- R[i,j] } } return(mean(apply(R, 1, max))) } deconstruct.4 <- function(pix) { Rows <- dim(pix)[1] Cols <- dim(pix)[2] # The data will be a 2x2 block of the image. # This will be used as the data for k-means # and we will try to find clusters of similar values. blocked <- matrix(0, (Rows/2)*(Cols/2), 4) i <- 1 for (row in seq(1, Rows, by=2)) { for (col in seq(1, Cols, by=2)) { # Take a 2x2 block and make it a vector blocked[i,] <- as.vector(pix[row:(row+1),col:(col+1)]) i <- i+1 } } return(blocked) } deconstruct.16 <- function(pix) { Rows <- dim(pix)[1] Cols <- dim(pix)[2] # The data will be a 4x4 block of the image. # This will be used as the data for k-means # and we will try to find clusters of similar values. blocked <- matrix(0, (Rows/4)*(Cols/4), 16) i <- 1 for (row in seq(1, Rows, by=4)) { for (col in seq(1, Cols, by=4)) { # Take a 4x4 block and make it a vector blocked[i,] <- as.vector(pix[row:(row+3),col:(col+3)]) i <- i+1 } } return(blocked) } reconstruct.4 <- function(new.bytes, Rows, Cols){ new.pic <- matrix(0, Rows, Cols) i <- 1 for (row in seq(1, Rows, by=2)) { for (col in seq(1, Cols, by=2)) { new.pic [row,col] <- new.bytes[i,1] new.pic [row+1,col] <- new.bytes[i,2] new.pic [row,col+1] <- new.bytes[i,3] new.pic [row+1,col+1] <- new.bytes[i,4] i <- i+1 } } return (new.pic) } reconstruct.16 <- function(new.bytes, Rows, Cols){ new.pic <- matrix(0, Rows, Cols) i <- 1 for (row in seq(1, Rows, by=4)) { for (col in seq(1, Cols, by=4)) { new.pic [row,col] <- new.bytes[i,1] new.pic [row+1,col] <- new.bytes[i,2] new.pic [row+2,col] <- new.bytes[i,3] new.pic [row+3,col] <- new.bytes[i,4] new.pic [row,col+1] <- new.bytes[i,5] new.pic [row+1,col+1] <- new.bytes[i,6] new.pic [row+2,col+1] <- new.bytes[i,7] new.pic [row+3,col+1] <- new.bytes[i,8] new.pic [row,col+2] <- new.bytes[i,9] new.pic [row+1,col+2] <- new.bytes[i,10] new.pic [row+2,col+2] <- new.bytes[i,11] new.pic [row+3,col+2] <- new.bytes[i,12] new.pic [row,col+3] <- new.bytes[i,13] new.pic [row+1,col+3] <- new.bytes[i,14] new.pic [row+2,col+3] <- new.bytes[i,15] new.pic [row+3,col+3] <- new.bytes[i,16] i <- i+1 } } return (new.pic) }