Topics in Combinatorics: Combinatorial Game Theory

MATH4801, Fall 2011
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University

Prof. Brett Stevens,
Herzberg Physics, Office #4374
Tel: (613) 520 2600 (Ext. 2125)


Old Announcements

General Information

Required Textbook:
Lessons in Play by Michael Albert, Richard Nowakowski, and David Wolfe. I have ordered this book at Haven Books. Additionally I will put books on reserve at the library. They will be

The software package Combinatorial Game Suite is an Open Source software package that can make some calculations in combinatorial game theory mush easier. It has many combinatorial games built in and it can be extended, by Java programming, to include any combinatorial game.

MATH2100, MATH3805, equivalents, or permission.
Students who have not passed the prerequisite course should contact me and may otherwise be de-registered during the term.

Monday 14:35-15:55, Wednesday 14:35-15:55.
Room: HP)4369.

Office and Games hours: Monday 12:00-13:30 and Tuesday 10:00-11:30 or by appointment.

Classes begin: Monday 12 Sep. 2011. Classes end: Thursday 30 Nov. 2011.

Term mark: There will be two assignments and a midterm. The tentative schedule of is:

Item Hand-out Date Due Date Worth
Homework 1 Sep. 28 Oct. 26 20%
Midterm   Oct. 26 25%
Homework 2 Oct. 26-Nov.1 Nov. 30 20%

20% Homework 1
25% Midterm Test
20% Homework 2
35% Final Exam (format to be determined)
You must pass the term work in order to pass the course. If you have a passing term mark and you do better on the final exam then I will count your final exam for 100% of the course. I do not accept doctor's notes for late or missed work because I cannot verify the authenticity. Students wishing to see their examination papers must make an appointment within 3 weeks of the examination. This is an opportunity to get educational feedback and not an opportunity to argue about the marking.

Plagiarism and Cheating:
Plagiarism is defined in the undergraduate calendar as an instructional offense that occurs when a student uses or passes off "as one's own idea or product, work of another without expressly giving credit". This includes plagiarism involving material lifted from the Internet. Plagiarism is a serious offense. The penalties for students who have been found to have plagiarized are a failed grade at the least sever and suspension, expulsion or notation on transcripts for serious or repeated cases. Plagiarism is just one form of Cheating. All forms of cheating are taken very seriously and will be dealt with swiftly and severely.

Withdrawal: The last day for withdrawal from the course is 5 Dec. 2011. Withdrawals before 30 Sep. 2011 get 100% refund, there is NO refund after this date.

Academic Accommodation You may need special arrangements to meet your academic obligations during the term. For an accommodation request the processes are as follows:

List of Topics Covered: definitions of games; reverse induction; basic strategies; outcome classes; impartial and partisan games; values of games; equality, sums, inequalities of games; canonical forms of games; games that are numbers; infinitesimals; switches; stops; impartial game theory; hot games and cooling.

These topics are subject to change